St. Mary's Parish

About Us
Our Staff:

Fr. Joe Richards
Parochial Administrator
Email: fatherjoerichards@gmail.com

Amy Stafslien

Coordinator of Religious Education
Pastoral History of St. Mary's Parish
August 14, 1910 - Church officially dedicated by Fr. Louis
Kaluza, Fr. Theo Fraling pastor
1923 - Fr. Theo Fraling assigned to another parish and Fr. Leo J. Lang as appointed
1930 - Fr. Tony Fischer assigned to St. Mary's
1935 - Fr. Joseph Kundinger became pastor for a few months, then St. Mary's became attached to Cashton and Fr. Timmeraman served
Sept. 1936 - John B. Pinion was appointed
1945 - Fr. J. Burgraft and Fr. Anderal alternated coming to Coon Valley
1947 - Bishop John P. Treacy asked Fr. Thomas J. Halloran to come and say one Mass and it turned into 25 years of service to St. Mary's
1960 - 1st Rectory purchased
1965 - Home next to parish was for sale and purchased to replace the original Rectory
June 1972 - Fr. Wagner appointed because Msgr. Holloran was having health issues.
Aug. 1981 - Fr. Edmund Doerre as appointed new pastor
1989 - Interim priest Fr. Norm Boneck Fr. Doerre appointed elsewhere
Sept. 1989 - Fr. Robert Hundt pastor along with St. Peter's of Middle Ridge
Oct. 1991 - Fr. David Kunz was assigned to St. Mary's and he was also an instructor at Aquinas High School
June 1995 - Fr. John McHugh assigned and connected with Aquinas High School
1996 - Fr. Maryon Jordan becomes pastor of St. Mary's
Dec. 1998 - Fr. Maryon C. Jordan assigned
Jan 1998 - Fr. Robert Cook assigned as Parochial Administrator
Dec. 1998 - Fr. Zbigniw Kucharski from Poland becomes pastor
Aug. 2002 - Fr. Michael Klos became pastor
July 2004 - Fr. Dunklee assigned
2006 - Fr. Wayne Kidd assigned to St. Mary's
June 30, 2010 Fr. Kidd retires for health reasons
July 2010 Fr. Gorman, Dean of the La Crosse Deanery becomes administrator of St. Mary's
Oct. 2010 - St. Mary's aligned with St. Peters, Middle Ridge and St. Joseph's Parish, St. Joseph's Ridge administered by Fr. Francis Abuah-Quansah
July 2011 - St. Mary's remains aligned with St. Peter's and St. Joseph's under Fr. Joseph Nakwah
June 26, 2012 - Fr. William Dhein of Eau Claire becomes pastor and St. Mary's is aligned with St. Charles Borromeo, Genoa, WI
July 1, 2014 - Fr. Timothy Welles becomes pastor and St. Mary's is aligned with St. Joseph Rigde Parish
August 9, 2015 - Fr. John Selva Manohar is assigned pastor of St. Mary's and Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Viroqua
February 2016 - Fr. Mano resigned due to complications with his Visa from India. Msgr. Michael J. Gorman has taken over as Parochial Administrator of St. Mary's and the Annunciation of the BVM, Viroqua.
June 2017 to February 2018 Fr. Joseph Maria Arokiam, OFM Cap
Mar 1, 2018-Pastor position vacant
May 8, 2018- Fr. Matthew Marshall joins St. Mary's from Roncalli Newman/Blessed Sacrament Parishes and
continues his other ministries as the Chaplain to the Hmong Community in La Crosse and Chaplain at Aquinas
.Middle and High School.
August 6, 2020 - Fr. Matthew Marshall accepted assignment as Pastor of both St. Mary Parish, Coon Valley and Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Viroqua. He continued as the Chaplain to the Hmong Community in La Crosse and resigned as Chaplain at Aquinas Middle and High School
On May 5, 2022 Fr. Matt Marshall resigned from all assignments - St. Mary's, Coon Valley and Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Viroqua and the Hmong Ministry.
July 5, 2022 we welcomed Fr. Joseph Richards to St. Mary's, Coon Valley as joint priest with Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Parish, Viroqua.