St. Mary's Parish

St. Mary Religious Education Program 2024-2025
This year we will again be using the
Sofia Press Religious Education Program.
Our informational parent meeting to set Family of Faith expectations and provide materials will be held on September 8 in Viroqua Marian Hall, after the 10:30am Mass; safe environment training will be provided at noon. A second Safe Environment training will be here in Coon Valley after the 8 AM Mass on October 20th.
We are planning our Family of Faith activities for the upcoming season to start in October (1st Sunday in Viroqua and 3rd Sunday in Coon Valley) with this year's theme: The Sacraments.​​
Click here for the Parent Letter Click here for a Registration Form Click here for this years Schedule​
If you have questions, feel free to contact Fr. Joe Richards at jrichards@diolclergy.org or
Bridget Goodwin at bladams50@gmail.com.
Encountering Christ at the center
of the parish’s work in catechesis
where adults, youth, and children
learn the Catholic faith and
express it as Christian disciples